Kairosbook - Booking and Scheduling software made simple for vacation rentals and properties
Our goal is to provide an easy and simple way to manage your vacation rental properties. Allowing you to expand your own brand and growth together.
Trusted by companies like these
Everything you need to run your vacation rentals.
Some of tools we offer are
Add images and descriptions to your properties. Sync with Airbnb, Bookinb and more.
Simplify everyday business tasks.
Because you’d probably be a little confused if we suggested you complicate your everyday business tasks instead.
Stay on top of things with always up-to-date analytics features.
Customizable analytics dashboard per account and workspace. Create sums and filters that suit your needs.
Create custom workflow for how to send emails to your customers
Each business has different needs. We offer a flexible email workflow that allows you to create custom templates based on worflow events .
Organize all of your customers, messages and bookings in one place.
Manage your customers sending messages, promotional emails and overview timeline of the interactions with them.
Stay on top of things with always up-to-date analytics features.
Customizable analytics dashboard per account and workspace. Create sums and filters that suit your needs.
Create custom workflow for how to send emails to your customers
Each business has different needs. We offer a flexible email workflow that allows you to create custom templates based on worflow events .
Organize all of your customers, messages and bookings in one place.
Manage your customers sending messages, promotional emails and overview timeline of the interactions with them.
Get started today
Get started for freeSimple pricing, for everyone.
Lets try to get you started with a free trial. And then choose the best plan for your business.
Good for anyone who is self-employed and just getting started.
- Unlimited Properties
- Cancel policies
- Refund and partial refund
- Support for multiple currencies
- Suport for multiple languagues
Small business
Perfect for small / medium sized businesses.
- Everything in the Starter plan
- Integrations
- Analytics
- Multiple Workspaces
- Custom Domain
- Custom SSL
- 24/7 Support